IKAGG CONNECT is so much more than just networking.
It's a movement.
What makes IKAGG CONNECT so unique is that we focus on real relationships with a culture that puts others first.
The IKAGG Culture is based on THE 3 PILLARS:
At CONNECT, we embrace the abundance mentality that states “there is enough business for all of us to be successful”. We celebrate open categories and are not seat specific. Often times you will see people from the same industry in a CONNECT meeting collaborating with each other and not competing. This approach allows for an honesty in the group when it comes to building relationships, and the people who embrace this are those who realize another person’s success is never their own failure.

At CONNECT, we are all about building deep relationships. We know that once the relationship is there, trust is built, and when trust happens, business happens.
Your referral is your reputation. When you give a referral willy-nilly with no relationship first, you put your reputation on the line. When a trusting relationship is built first, referrals mean more to the person receiving them and helps keep you top of mind, as well.
It takes time and commitment to build deep relationships with your fellow team members, but it's so worth it.
At CONNECT, we celebrate giving with no expectations of receiving anything in return. When we give to others, #TogetherIsAmazing reaches its full effect. There are so many ways that we can to give to each other – referrals, time, knowledge, shares on social media, promotion of and attendance at events – the list goes on and on. At CONNECT, we look for ways to give to each other, and then do so often.

Our members celebrate the IKAGG Culture.
We invite you to attend a meeting to see how amazing it is for yourself.
To see our list of current networking options, visit our calendar HERE.
What CONNECT Members Have To Say:
To see our list of current networking options, visit our calendar HERE.
Members of CONNECT enjoy these amazing features and benefits.
Growth and Collaboration Opportunities: When you are a member of CONNECT you will be surrounded by like-minded people who want the very best for you and show it regularly.
Open Categories: Often times at CONNECT you will see people of the same industry meeting and collaborating together because they share something that all of us at CONNECT share - an abundance mentality. There is MORE than enough business out there for everyone to succeed and someone else's success never means your failure.
Flexible Attendance: We get it, things happen that could cause you to miss your meeting. No need to fret! We will miss you when you are gone and can't wait to see you again. We do want you in the room because you add to each other's lives just by being there. Relationships begin in CONNECT meetings and they grow from there.
Exclusive Members-Only Events: We love to gather with each other for various events. Whether it is an educational event, a happy hour, or a family event, you will enjoy seeing each other outside of the CONNECT Networking meeting as well.
Platinum Level Membership to IKAGGdirectory.com: The IKAGG Directory is specifically designed to help you promote your business. This directory website has an incredible list of features that allow potential customers to find your business quickly and provides a great third-party platform that the search engines love. It's an SEO machine! Our CONNECT members receive a Platinum Level Membership to IKAGGdirectory.com for no additional cost (that's a $20/mo value alone).
Above all, you will build relationships. One of the things we say is "YOU BELONG at IKAGG CONNECT". We mean it - you aren't a number, you aren't what you do, you are a person and we want you to be YOU at CONNECT!
Know that CONNECT is a great fit for you?
Click here to join now!