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"When we all pull together in the same direction for the benefit of each other, AMAZING things happen!"

- Deanna Ley, Founder and CEO of IKAGG


The #TogetherIsAmazing Movement is all about coming together, building relationships, and strengthening community.


When we work together, putting others before ourselves, we can accomplish amazing things.


Each IKAGG Platform is Designed with YOU in Mind

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The Facebook Group That Started It All

IKAGG's social media voice is all about connecting and helping small businesses.

We are active on all major social platforms, from the original IKAGG St. Louis Facebook Group (17K members and growing) and IKAGG Groups in cities across the USA, to our strong presence on LinkedIn and Instagram.

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The Weekly IKAGG Networking Experience

IKAGG CONNECT provides the opportunity for businesses to come together each week to Connect, Collaborate, and Grow in person.

CONNECT is where business referral relationships start and grow, and where members support, uplift, and encourage each other.


IKAGG's Prolific Business Directory Website is your #1 source for connecting with amazing businesses.

This online directory website is an SEO machine designed with the small business in mind, giving them the ability to be found fast.

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The Audio and Video Podcast That Spotlights Networkers & Networking

The IKAGG Podcast is a weekly podcast that interviews business owners and networking professionals, as well provides applicable tools for your tool belt that will help you up-level and elevate the way you network.

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The Monthly Meet-Up Networking Event

This free, monthly meet-up event ensures plenty of time to get to know the people in the room in the fun, engaging, and #TogetherIsAmazing way that IKAGG is known for.


This meet up is a great place for networking CONNECTions to start and grow.




The IKAGG Culture

​Our goal is to provide the most outstanding experience for all who want to CONNECT and COLLABORATE with other ambitious professionals to GROW their business relationships and build strong referral partnerships.

We invite you to experience all that IKAGG has to offer. All IKAGG platforms are inclusive and accepting of all who appreciate the #TogetherIsAmazing Movement and the culture that IKAGG was built upon.

The Three Pillars of the IKAGG Culture are:


We believe in abundance and opportunity for all. We believe that the only competition you have is that of you verses your goals. In order to achieve your goals you need community.


We believe that building deep and meaningful relationships with others leads to more opportunities, both to serve and to receive. 


We believe that by giving to others you help them to achieve their goals and in turn receive. Giving can take on many forms and is not purely limited to referrals. By giving first and giving often we all can succeed. 

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